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Every time that we, as a species, have changed the way we think about the world, we have c
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We consult with organizations that share our vision of making the world socially just, environmentally sustainable and economically equitable.


Climate Change and COVID reveal an irrefutable truth -- we live on a deeply interconnected planet. And it is this knowledge that must drive how we deal with the complex environmental, economic, and social challenges of our time.


We help organizations envision this complexity and its impacts early on, so that they can adapt and thrive in the coming decades.

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Organizations today operate in a world facing rapid environmental, economic, and social changes. This is a direct result of our compartmentalized worldview of our planet in the last 50 years. Today, we know everything on this planet is interconnected. Adapting to this complexity requires the radically different approach of Whole Systems Thinking.

See our Services section to see how your organization can learn the Systems Thinking framework and use it to build your long-range strategy, capacity, and action.



We consult with our clients in these three distinct ways.  Our 20+ years of experience, along with the frameworks and processes that we've tried and tested extensively, help us bring the right combination of customization, innovation, attention to detail, and reliability to our consulting work.


Image by Diana Parkhouse

Connect with us to see how you can use Systems Thinking and other powerful frameworks to maximize your organization's long-term impact through powerful strategies that help further your mandate.




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Our Workshops & Training Programs help your team build its capacity at all levels, whether the learning is foundational, cultural, or aimed at inculcating the attitudes and practices of leadership.    


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Under our CONTENT & CURRICULUM DESIGN vertical, we help organizations and institutions design impactful content for their online or offline programs tailored to the organisation's needs.



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Smart Joules wanted our first ever company offsite to be special and engaging for our 80+ team members from across India.  With this simple ‘ask’, we approached Vinod Sreedhar from All Systems Reboot.

Vinod quickly understood our needs and drew up a plan to help our team feel a sense of unity, belongingness and interconnectedness through a 2-session Systems Thinking workshop.  He carefully chose his words, tone and pace, to drive home the key message to our diverse team, most of whom had never had exposure to systems thinking.  By encouraging participation of our team mates into the narrative, he was successfully able to tie together his examples from nature to tangible lessons about building a sustainable organization.

Apart from being able to design and deliver world-class workshops, Vinod is a wonderful human being to be around with great vibes and positive energy.

Arjun P. Gupta  |  Founder & CEO, Smart Joules

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We are a growing team of experienced systems thinkers, social entrepreneurs, and environmental educators with a combined experience of 35+ years in varied sectors.

Contact us to discuss consulting services

+91 85302 52288

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